Michelle Cossette
Senior Portfolio
Identity Crisis
America I am confused.
America I don’t know whether to thank or criticize you.
America you stand for freedom and equality.
Where is that now?
What price do you charge?
I am content too, don’t try to change my life.
America you have been shot.
America you’re riddled with holes.
When will you wake up and smell the corruption?
When will you take compassion and reason?
When will you be clear-headed on the border and in the Middle East?
When will you look into the individual citizen’s life?
Without invading their privacy.
I’m sick of these double standards.
America what should I do?
America should I follow blindly or try to sneak into your political warfare?
Government is too political for me.
You’re making me stressed just thinking of you.
Your ideals made me want to be the perfect person.
But you should look back at your roots too.
Secrets and hatred are too much for me.
I want to know the what, why, and how.
I haven’t read the newspapers, but I get the tweets.
America I am still confused.
I have had my doubts and don’t know if I’m sorry.
Should I be proud of you or should I apologize for you?
I don’t do illegal things.
Your system frightens me and protects me.
That’s what I’ve been told.
At what cost of others am I being protected?
Are there no other options than the complications of violence?
America you know me, but I have yet to understand you.
America how do you connect to your citizens?
I’m not sure your true colors still shine through the red, white, and blue.
We wear the name, but the secrets behind it tell a different story.
People are double-sided.
As are you.
America push the blame.
America rush to conclusions.
Please, act on your own initial judgment.
Why think first when you can act?
Everyone in the Middle East has evil intentions. Blame all of them and make them suffer because you don’t know.
America we don’t want to be in war.
America I don’t want to.
But I understand.
Protect the democracy.
America is democracy protected if the people don’t know? If they don’t understand?
Are your reasons still for the people?